Pixelmon Realms
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I install Pixelmon?
Check out #-downloads for the fastest and easiest way to start playing!
Why is my starter shiny?
All players have a shiny starter by default on Pixelmon Realms. Once you have chosen your starter, you won't be able to change it for another one up until the next server reset unless you join another realm.
How much does this sell for?
Do /prices in game and open the link to the Staff Published price list. Use the tabs at the bottom of the document to find what you are looking for. You can use commands like /gts price (slot of pokemon) or /um price (slot) for accurate pricing of specific Pokemon/Items although please be aware this is not 100% accurate and all items are not set up for this.
Alternatively you can follow this link which will direct you to the Price List spreadsheet: Price List
Where/when/how does this Pokemon spawn/evolve?
For questions like this, you can use the /wiki (pokemon) command Which shows the wiki page, the type, abilities, catch rate, base stats, gender, and you can click on spawning, day care and moves.
How do I breed my pokemon?
You can go to this link to the Pixelmon Wiki to learn everything you need to know about Breeding: https://pixelmonmod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Breeding
How do I send out a pokemon/start a battle/use an external move?
You select your Pokemon with the up and down arrows keys, and send out your Pokemon with “R” by default, start a battle by hitting a target with that throw, and with a Pokemon out use “B” to select an external move and “G” to activate it.
What does this item do/is it used for?
By default, “K“ brings up a relevant webpage on every item in the game, even vanilla items!
How do I get to the Nether/End/Ultra Space?
To go to the nether/end you do /warp nether for the nether, /warp end for the end and finally /warp ultraspace to enter Ultra Space.
When will the next legendary spawn?
Nobody knows! Legendaries are fickle and random, but there’s a chance for one to spawn about every 20 minutes or so, though an actual spawn could take several hours. Legendary Pokemon will always spawn on a random player within a 5 chunk radius of them, and they will despawn if the chunks are unloaded, or after 10-15 minutes of no one interacting with it. You can also do /legends to view the legendaries that have spawned.
How do I use the GTS?
GTS is the Global Trade System for pokemon on the server. You can view the pokemon for sale by doing /gts. You can sell Pokémon on the GTS by doing /gts sell (slot) (price). You can buy Pokemon on the GTS by selecting the Pokemon you want to buy, then click the red glass panes around the Pokemon, then select the green “Confirm Selection” dye.
How do I use the Market?
The market is where players auction off their items. You can view the items for sale by doing /market or /um. You can list an item on the market by holding the amount of the item you want to sell in your hand, then by doing
/market sell (price) or /um sell (price). You can buy items by selecting what you want to buy, then click the “Accept” green dye.
How do I heal my fainted pokemon?
Every player has access to the /warp pokecenter to heal your Pokemon, then you can /back right back to where you were! Alternatively if you have a donator rank like Pro you'll gain access to the command /pheal which means you can heal on the spot without needed to head back to the Pokecenter.
How do I craft pokeballs?
You can craft poke balls by following the recipes on this page:
What are end crystals used for in regards to the shrines?
End crystals are used to reset the Legendary Bird shrines at /warp shrines for the legendaries Articuno/Moltres/Zapdos. Once the shrine has been reset, you need an Orb that was combined with a Water/Fire/Thunder stone for the Orbs of Frozen/Fiery/Static Souls that has been filled with the souls of 375 wild pokemon you knocked out. You can get the shrine resetter end crystals from the vote crate.
How do I use the Timespace Altar/Shrines?
To use the Timespace Altar at /warp shrines you will need to right click a Red Chain on the altar first, then right click with an Adamant/Lustrous/Griseous Orb for a Dialga/Palkia/Giratina respectively. You can obtain a Red Chain by defeating the Dragon Gym; or the much longer method of capturing the “Lake Trio” Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit, then raise them all to level 60 with 225 happiness, and finally right click on them with a Ruby and you will get the respective Ruby of Knowledge/Willpower/Emotion. In order to use the Altar to summon an Arceus, you will first need to put one of every seventeen plates into an Arc Chalice, then you will receive an Azure Flute. You then need to take the Azure Flute to the Timespace Altar, and right click the air with it within 10 blocks of the altar.
How do I evolve a Pokemon by trading?
Of course, you can always do it by trading with another player, but Pixelmon Realms has a handy /tradesim (slot) command to prevent other players from scamming you from your Pokemon and not returning it after the trade evolution!
How does the /hunt work?
In order to participate in the /hunt, you will need to capture the Pokemon it gives you with the right requirements as viewed next to them by hovering your cursor in the hunt list while that Pokemon is still on the hunt. If you capture the Pokemon with the requirements met you will be given the rewards. You can view how long the hunt has left by hovering your cursor over the pokemon in /hunt.
How do I use my key?
In order to use your key, you go to /warp crates and right click the proper crate with the crate key, for example, vote key for the vote crate. You can view the rewards and chance to receive each reward by left clicking the chest with an empty hand.
How do I open my egg that I won?
If you won the likes of a Random Pokemon Egg, Random Legendary Egg or Random Ultra Beast Egg (alongside the shiny variations of these eggs) then you won't be able to hatch it like your typical egg in which you have to walk in order to hatch it. To hatch these specific eggs, you'll have to head on over to /warp eggs in which you'll see a handful of incubators ahead of you. Place your eggs in any of these incubators and it'll automatically spin and open the egg for you which will be given to you directly to your party or your PC if you do not have space within your party.
How many homes can I set?
As a Trainer, you have 2 sethomes. To use these sethomes, you can do /sethome (name) then /home (name) to teleport to it. In order to obtain more sethomes, you can type /store and it will open our donator shop where you can buy gems which you use to buy ranks that each come with their own increased sethome limit.
If you didn’t set a home but set a claim within the area then you will be able to do /claimlist in-game which will give you the co-ordinates to your claim which you will have to travel to on your own. If you by chance do not set a claim or a home within a area and then go ahead and lose this then unfortunately there isn't anything further that can be done to help you with this.
What is a “Mega Bracelet” and how do I get one?
A Mega Bracelet is what allows you to mega evolve your Pokemon by equipping a bracelet to you after you kill a Mega Boss for the first time. Mega Bosses are high level bosses with a “Rare” or “Legendary” Boss tag above their heads, that reward high level randomized loot, and have rare spawn rates. You Mega Evolve your Pokemon in battle by having the respective Mega Stone equipped to your Pokemon, for example, Gardevoirite for Gardevoir. In battle, you Mega Evolve by selecting “Fight” then click the “Mega Evolve” button above your moves, then select the move you would like to use, and your Pokemon will mega evolve before they use that move. You cannot mega evolve more than one pokemon per battle. If you want to mega evolve outside of battle, you will need to throw out your Pokemon with R, then press B until it cycles to “Mega Evolve” in your top right corner, then press G to use the ability.