A Complete Overview of Rules on Pixelmon Realms


Staff member
A Complete Overview of Rules on Pixelmon Realms

This is something that's been suggested to us multiple times over the years and finally we have delivered. This is a complete overview of all the rules that are found within the Pixelmon Realms server so players have a reference to what is allowed and what isn't. Please be aware that this won't be 100% perfect as there may be a couple of mistakes, or things that have been left out accidentally but we will do our best to keep this guide updated and relevant as much as we can.

Punishments issued out is varied between what rule(s) have been broken on the server so please keep that in mind as this guide will not include what punishment will be issued out for each specific rule broken however I will go over other info about it if we may need to reverse or remove items/pokemon from a player for it. If you are unsure if something is allowed on the server or not please contact a staff member to get confirmation before doing it and risking a punishment.

In-Game Rules

These are the rules that players will have access to at any point within the server by doing /rules, /rules 2 and /rules 3 respectively. These generally cover most of the rules that are found on the server as even if a rule isn't specifically stated in this list, generally it can fall under one or multiple depending on what it is.

1. Keep chat PG-13 - English only in global chat, no roleplaying, no swearing, use common sense and don't disrupt other players.
2. Do not advertise, spam, use racial slurs, discuss politics/religion.
3. Do not grief builds.
4. Do not steal/raid even if unclaimed.
5. Do not use any harmful / objectionable language towards any players or staff.
6. Do not use any mods/clients which grant an unfair advantage.
7. Do not cheat/exploit server bugs, instead report them on discord.
8. Do not scam, over/under price items/pokemon - Refer to /prices
9. No inappropriate names/skins/text/builds/signs for users/pokemon/items & no nickname impersonations.
10. Giveaways are strictly forbidden. (Includes drop-parties, small-giveaways, donations, etc.)
11. Giving prizes for player run events is forbidden (Tournaments, Casinos, Wagers, etc)
12. Do not beg players/staff for Items/Pokemon/Tokens/Etc.
13. No Fake/Trolls claims (Be civil & friendly, if owner of claim asks you to leave, leave.)
14. Selling/Buying Items/Pokemon/Tokens/Etc with money or gift cards outside PixelmonRealms Store is forbidden.
15. Do not sell teleport requests or sell shiny/ub/legendaries catches
16. Using ''alts'' or alternative accounts for personal advantage is forbidden.
17. Loaning, lending or borrowing of Pokemon is forbidden.
18. Do not discuss punishments in chat or report players.
19: Do not avoid the chat filter in place by swearing or using any words that's currently blocked.

To try and make this easy for players to follow, I will start to break down rules into sections from Chat Violations all the way to Bug Exploits.

Chat Violations

This section revolves around players breaking rules when it comes to the public chat as well as private/party messages on the server if one or multiple in the private chats is not okay with it. The main things that are not allowed are as follows:

1. No form of character or chat spam is allowed in Public or Private chat.
(This includes spamming same letter(s) repeatedly, spamming the same message over and over, making words extra long to fill up the screen etc.)

2. Discussing punishments in the Public Chat. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes talking about other players punishments, punishments you have received, asking for yourself/others to be unmuted/unbanned.)

3. Begging within the Chat.
(This includes asking/guilt tripping for free items since you're new, asking for free pokemon/money,etc.)

4. Discussing Politics in the Public Chat. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes talking about politicians like Donald Trump, discussions about political parties or people involved, about campaigns etc.)

5. Non-English within the Public Chat. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes full conversations in another language as well as just stating hello/goodbye in another language like Bonjour or Sayonara etc.)

6. Any form of Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Paedophilia discussions within Public Chat.
(This includes if it's targeted at another player or not, if it's used as a joke even if minor, using offensive slurs in any capacity etc.)

7. Any form of Arguments within the Public Chat.
(This includes any minor or major arguments happening whether it be from a scam, a disagreement and so on. Make a ticket if needs be before trying to argue with another player.)

8. Any form of Inappropriate Topics discussed within the Public Chat. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes any form of sexual conversations, any 15+ discussions or swear words, discussions about real world inappropriate incidents and so on)

9. No Avoiding Filter within the Public Chat. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes trying to state swear words in the public chat like f**k, b*tch and so on. Abbreviations that include two or more swears are not allowed [i.e. lmfao], and if it includes only two characters then it's not allowed [i.e. tf or bs]. Abbreviations that don't fall into these categories like ffs or lmao are allowed to be used as long as it's not used directed at anyone.)

10. Discussions about Tragedies from the past or current. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes but not limited to discussions about school shootings, terror attacks like 9/11, war events like Auschwitz or any political attacks in the past or present.)

11. Any form of Roleplaying within the Public Chat. [This can be discussed freely in PMs]
(This includes any form of role playing of animals like stating meow or woof repeatedly within chat, doing any role playing like *Holds your hand*, *Kisses you* and so on.)

12. Any form of Harassment to other players, staff or people outside the server.
(This includes but not limited to spamming them with TPs or PMs, repeatedly going on a players claim after they told you to leave, insulting or guilt tripping players, swearing or using slurs against another player, telling a player to kill themselves or threatening them with violent or sexual actions, threatening to dox or revealing personal information, harassing them in another platform or game and so on.)
Claims, Griefing and Inappropriate Builds or Named Items/Parties/Pokemon Rules Violations

This section revolves around players breaking rules when it comes to anything relating to claims, griefing, inappropriate builds and signs on the server. The main rules are as follows:

1. You are not allowed to make troll claims against a player who's not okay with it around their claim/builds.
(This includes but not limited to building purposely around someone's claim with walls, ugly structure builds with no purpose, mass amounts of signs or boats, breaking/ruining land around the claim, mass claims around the claims.)

2. You are not allowed to grief or steal from builds/homes regardless if it's claimed or unclaimed in the overworld on the server. [This does not include Nether, End or Ultra Space which are Public Areas]
(This includes breaking blocks within a claim, stealing items from a build or home, placing lava around someone's build(s) and so on.)

3. You are not allowed to create any inappropriate build on the server.
(This includes but not limited to creating builds of inappropriate parts of the body, swear words, swastika's, real life events etc.)

4. You are not allowed to create any inappropriate signs or mails on the server.
(This includes but not limited to swearing, referencing real life tragedies, anything sexual or slurs used and so on.)

5. You are not allowed to claim someone elses home/build without their permission.

(This includes claiming someone else's home, their platform, flatted down land that was to be used for builds and so on.)

6. Purposely killing other players is not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to TPing other players so that they fall into lava or to die from fall damage, creating deathraps via pwarps or around a poke loot and so on.)

7. Players are not allowed to sell TP's in any capacity on the server.
(This includes selling a teleport request to a specific biome or Pokemon for any form of payment.)

8. Inappropriately named Parties are strictly not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to naming parties with slurs, inappropriate jokes, swear words, real life tragedies and so on.)

9. Inappropriately named Pokemon or Items are strictly not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to naming pokemon or items with slurs, inappropriate jokes, swear words, real life tragedies, after political figures and so on.)

10. Inappropriate IGN's or Skins are not allowed on the server under any capacity.
(This includes but not limited to swears/slurs/inappropriate topics within IGN, nude or half nude skins [this includes showing bare chest of male or bikini for female], skins or IGNs of political figures/killers/controversial people and so on.)

11. Claiming and Blocking over a Poke ball loot is not allowed on the server.
(This includes claiming over and putting blocks all around a Poke ball loot so that other players are unable to claim it.)

Scams, Giveaways, Outside Trades and Over/Under-Pricing Violations

This section revolves around players breaking rules when it comes to anything relating to scams, giveaways, trading outside the server, lending and borrowing on the server. The main rules are as follows:

1. You are not allowed to scam players in any capacity on the server.
(This includes but is not limited to attempting to steal a Pokemon by not giving them what was advertised, receiving a payment and leaving the server before paying for your side, falsely advertising a item or Pokemon i.e selling a mew with 3 clones left when in reality it has none.)

*NOTE* Any form of scams will be reversed with the scammer being punished accordingly, a ticket will be needed to be created and proof provided.

2. Giveaways are not allowed on the server. [This does not includes items with limited to no value like Wood Logs, Cobblestone but likes of Rare Candy or Poke Balls are not allowed.]
(This includes giving away Items and Pokemon to players for nothing or barely anything in return like Legends, Keys, Rare Candies, Master Balls and so on.)

*NOTE* Any giveaways will be reversed if caught, and both parties will be punished accordingly regardless on who they are or how long they've played on the server. You are free to buy anything on the store for another player for free only if it goes directly to them. If you buy them for yourself first like a Key then they will have to pay the full price listed on the Price List for it.

3. Giveaways with intent of leaving the server is not allowed.

(This includes giving everything you have like Pokemon, Items, Money, Builds etc away for free because you're leaving the server.
*NOTE* Same as the previous rule where everything will just be reversed back and all players involved will be punished accordingly.

4. Buying or Selling Legend/Pokemon spawns is not allowed on the server.
(This includes trying to buy a Legend spawn from another player, or trying to sell a legend that's spawned on you so that they can catch it themselves.)

5. Any form of Outside Trades (i.e. In-Game Items for IRL Money or Gift Cards) is strictly not allowed on the server.
(This includes selling in-game Legends for Money, Gift Cards, items from another game, other services and so on.)

*NOTE* Please be aware that buying in-game items from other players for IRL money is against Minecraft's own EULA and can result in your account being terminated if caught.

6. Lending or Borrowing under certain circumstances like for Gyms, Tournaments, Pokedex entries etc is not allowed on the server.

What's not allowed
~ Lending and Borrowing Teams for Gyms, Touraments, Pokedex Entries, Warzone, Bosses or Pokemon Trainers and Lending Money.
What's allowed ~ Lending for breeding, lending tools or amour to repair or use in general, to evolve a bugged or broken evolution, legend items that do not break i.e. Scrolls, DNA Splicers etc .

*NOTE* Please be aware that any pokemon caught being lent or borrowed between players in ways against the rules will result in the Pokemon being deleted with no chance to get them back.

7. Attempting to sell Pixelmon Mod Exclusive Skins is not allowed on the server.
(This includes trying to sell a Mod Exclusive skin like Shadow Lugia to another player as once traded it will revert back to it's original skin. If sold then it will have to be the base value of them.)

8. You are not allowed to Over or Under price Items/Pokemon on the server based on the Price List and Pokemart. [Refer to the Price List via here or via /prices in-game.]
(This includes buying Pokemon for above the max price listed for them via /trades or /gts, selling items for below the min base price listed on the Price List via /trades or /um, selling items for more than what's listed in the Pokemart and so on.)

9. Attempting to Despawn or Kill a Legend/Shiny that's spawned on another player is strictly not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to trying to suffocate the pokemon, dragging the pokemon away to despawn it, killing the player so they teleport back to spawn and so on.)

10. Hosting player ran events that have entry fee's or prizes for the winners is strictly not allowed on the server. (i.e. Touraments, Casino's, Wagers etc)
(This includes but not limited to players paying $1k to enter a event, the winner of a tourament being given a legendary for free, running a casino where players have odds to win or lose money.)

Warzone Rules

This section revolves around the rules for within Warzone. The rules are as follows:

1. You are not allowed to intentionally lose battles or Boost within Warzone.
(This includes but not limited to a player purposely losing a battle to boost someone's elo, players targeting specific players on repeat who will keep forfeiting or lose the battle, paying someone to lose battles to gain elo from the battle and so on.)

2. Stallling or going AFK within a Warzone battle is not allowed on the server.
(This includes waiting in a battle for extended period of time so the other player forfeits, going AFK mid battle regardless of the reason.)

3. You are not allowed to pay players to stop playing Warzone so that they don't beat you within Warzone.
(This includes but not limited to paying a player who's high on the leader board to stop playing or start throwing so that you have a higher chance of winning in return of Pokemon or part of the rewards.)
Abusing Bugs, Exploits and Unauthorized Mods/Resource Packs/Macro's Violations

This section revolves around the rules for abusing bugs or exploits, use of unauthorized mods/resource packs as well as the use of Macro's on the server. The rules are as follows:

1. Abusing any form of Bug or Exploit (i.e. Duping) is strictly not allowed on the server under any capacity.
(This includes but not limited to using exploits in order to dupe items/pokemon, abuse systems to gain benefits over other players through broken means, using battle cam in order to find dungeons and so on.)

*NOTE* Benefitting from another player who has duped for example and/or not reporting it to us may end up getting you punished for it as well so please report any form duping to us straight away if you catch another player doing it.

2. Abusing Bugs or Exploits in order to Crash a realm or a specific player is strictly not allowed on the server.
(This involves abusing a bug which can cause a crash of a realm intentionally especially if you don't report it to staff, purposely getting other players to come to you so that you can crash them and so on.)

3. Any form of X-Raying is strictly not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to using a X-Ray Mod or Resource Pack, using bugs in order to X-Ray like with battles, using entities to try and find dungeons on the server and so on.)

4. Using any form of exploitable Mod or Resource Pack is not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to Forgehax, Freecam, Reuth, Chest Finder, Xaerosminimap, Voxelmap and so on.)

*NOTE* If you wish to know if a Mod or Resource pack is allowed or not then please ask a member of staff first before trying to use it on the server.

5. Any form of Macro is not allowed on the server.
(This includes using a AFK Jumper or Clicker to avoid going AFK, having an item on your keyboard while you're away from your keyboard and so on.)

*NOTE* AFK Machines (i.e. with Water or Moving Plates) are allowed on the server so we advise players to use these instead. If caught using a Macro then you will be blacklisted from Playtime rewards and any rewards you received from Playtime will be reversed and locked.

6. Any form of AFK Fishing is strictly not allowed on the server.
(This includes creating a machine in order to fish while you're away from your keyboard in return of items obtained from fishing.

Avoiding Punishments, Alting and Not Here to Play Violations

This section revolves around the rules for trying to avoid punishments, alting on the server, framing players and not here to play actions on the server. The rules are as follows:

1. You are not allowed to avoid your punishment under any capacity on the server.
(This involves but not limited to logging onto a Alt or different IP if you've been banned on the server, harassing a player via mutes if you've been muted for harassing them and so on.)

2. You are not allowed to use Alts for Personal Gain on the server.
(This includes but not limited to Logging onto an alt and giving all the starter pokemon/items to the main account, using an alt to help with spawning legends, using an alt to scam or abuse bugs etc.)

*NOTE* If you are caught alting for personal gain then all accounts under your IP will be banned regardless if they're involved or not and proof will need to be provided for all accounts if they're actual players. Any of the Alts will be banned without chances of appeal.

3. Attempting to Frame players on the server or forging evidence is strictly not allowed on the server.

(This includes but not limited to providing fake logs in order to frame someone, giving them free items without their consent and reporting them for giveaways, getting a player involved with a situation that didn't want to be part off to get them punished for it and so on.)

4. Joining the server with intent of being banned or causing havoc (Not here to play) is not allowed on the server.
(This includes but not limited to joining and spamming chat, stating slurs within public chat, targeting specific players and so on.)

Discord Rules

This section revolves around players breaking rules when it comes to our official Discord server. While we are more lenient within the Discord server compared to the Pixelmon server due to Discord requiring you to be 13+, there are a few rules within there that members need to follow. The main rules are as follows:
1. Any form of direct cursing (swearing) to other players is not allowed in the Discord Channels.

2. Any form of Discrimination is strictly not allowed in the Discord server.
(This includes but is not limited to any form of Racism, Sexism, Ableism and so on.)

3. Any form of R-Rated content is strictly not allowed in the Discord Channels.
(This includes but not limited to censored or uncensored Lewds, any form of inappropriate pictures/videos/links like pornography and so on.)

4. Any slurs, discrimination or ear-rape is strictly not allowed within the Discord Voice Chats is strictly not allowed in the Discord server.

5. Any discussions about Political topics is not allowed within the Discord server.
(This includes but not limited to talking about Political figures, political parties or events relating to politics.)

6. Players are not allowed to advertise other Discord or Minecraft servers in Channels or PM's on Discord.
(This includes sending links to other Discord servers in channels, talking about another Minecraft server within the channels, messaging people within the Discord server to invite them to another Minecraft or Discord server.)

7. Inappropriate Usernames or Profile Pictures is not allowed on the server.

8. Not here to play behaviour is not allowed within the Discord server under any capacity.
(This includes spamming inappropriate content or links, stating slurs, advertising and so on.)


So that's the majority of the rules that are found within Pixelmon Realms in the Pixelmon server as well as the Discord server. As I stated at the start, this list is not perfect and may be missing stuff so feel free to contact me directly if you have any suggestions or you can create a ticket if you have any questions about any of the rules within this guide.

Please keep an eye on this Guide every so often as we may add, remove or even tweak some rules going forward which might not be stated within the Discord server.
