A Complete Guide to the Store
If you're reading this guide, then you either need help with making purchase, purchases issues you are having or just want some more information about the store.
Our store provider in which we use for the server is Tebex, and while for the most part purchases will go through fine with no issues there are times where you may not be able to make a purchase and/or purchases have gone through yet you have not received your gems. I'm going to make this guide to go over everything about the store which you can access here (Store), as well as potential fixes to issues players have via a QNA.
How to Make a Purchase
Once you are on the store page via Store, you will need to click onto the Login button which is at the top right of the screen, and then type in your Minecraft IGN (This is not your /nick if you have one active or even your real name) as putting anything but your IGN will result in you not getting the gems in-game and will have to create a ticket in order to fix the transaction. Once you have entered your IGN click on the Green Login button which will bring you into the store page.

Once you are onto the next page you will then need to click on the Menu option on the left side of the store, and then click on the Gems option to bring you into the Gems store page.

Once you are onto the Gems page, you'll be able to pick on the corresponding Gems package that you want to buy and then add it to cart. Doing this will bring you into a new page in which you will need to pick the realm that you play on. Please make sure to click onto the realm that you want these gems on as the transaction will only come in-game once you have logged onto that specific realm after the purchase. Once you have done so, you can click onto the Add to Cart option in which it will be placed into your Cart. Repeat this process for any other gem packages you want to purchase as well. Once you are happy with the amount of gems you have in your cart, you will then need to click onto the Cart option on the top right and then click the Checkout option.

If this is your first purchase on the server, you are able to put in the coupon code 15OFF in order to receive 15% off your purchase. Any coupon codes that you may have can be put into there to get discounts on your purchase. Once you are happy with your purchase, you can go ahead and click the Pay Now option which will take you into the payment page. Click on the corresponding payment method that you wish to purchase the gems with as well as your contact information. Once this is all done, go ahead and make the payment, and if the payment went through you should go to a order confirmation page which includes a Order Number like the one below:

Now that the purchase has gone though, you should receive the purchase within the next couple of minutes on the realm that you claimed it on. It will state within the chat when you have donated at which point the gems will be given to you.
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
Q ~ I want to make a purchase, but the payment method I want to use isn't listed. Am I able to use my payment method to make a purchase?
A ~ Ultimately no, if your payment method is not listed then there isn't any way around for you to use that payment method either directly through the server or the server.
Q ~ My Payment method keeps getting declined, why is this the case? Any way I can help make the purchase go through?
A ~ Your payment may keep getting declined for a number of reasons like not enough money in your payment method, your bank provider does not authorize the payment due to scam prevention, your payment method isn't compatible with the store (I.e. Visa Prepaid Card) and so on. You may want to try using another payment method if you have the money but it still does not go through and/or use Paypal in which you can add a balance to your Paypal account in which you make a purchase with that.
Q ~ My purchase has gone through, yet I have not got the purchase in-game?
A ~ Please be aware the purchase may take a few minutes to go through, but if you still do not receive it then you may have put wrong information within the purchase. Jump into every realm to confirm that you have not accidentally purchased it for another realm as otherwise you are best making a ticket via our Discord server in which we can help you out further to get to the bottom of it.
Q ~ My transaction did not go through on the server, yet money was taken from my bank. Can I get my money back?
A ~ If money has been taken from your bank despite the fact the payment was declined for whatever reason, you should receive the payment back to you over the next couple of days. If this is not the case you will have to contact Tebex further in order to try and get your money back as it's not an issue we're able to help with further other than confirming it was declined via a ticket.
Q ~ I bought gems for the wrong realm, can I get them moved over to the realm that I play on?
A ~ Gems are universal so don't worry, if you purchase it on Platinum all you will need to do is log into Platinum in order to receive the Gems in which you can then use it on any realm.
Q ~ I don't play on the server anymore and want to get a refund for my purchases, how do I get my money back?
A ~ All purchases made on the store are final, meaning there is no way for you to be given a refund for the purchases you have made regardless if you have stopped playing, have been banned, accidental purchase and so on.
Q ~ The 15OFF code does not work despite the fact I have not made a purchase on the server, why is this the case?
A ~ If you are no longer able to claim the 15OFF coupon then you will have either already made a purchase in the past and/or you've attempted to make a purchase with the coupon which got declined. If you have had the latter happen to you, then you can make a ticket for a HA+ to look into it to potentially give you a fresh coupon to use on the server however if the same thing happens again after the new code being given to you then a new one will not be issued.
Q ~ I put the wrong IGN for the purchase, can I get this fixed?
A ~ If you accidentally put the wrong name when purchasing the Gems, you can make a ticket via our Discord server for a HA+ to help fix the purchase for you.
Q ~ Can I make a purchase for another person by putting their IGN into the store instead?
A ~ Yes you are able to make purchases for other players, although you can't buy gems for another player in return for Pokemon/Money in-game as that is punishable and may result in the Gems being removed as a result.
This guide is here to be tweaked if needs be. If you have anymore FAQ's that should be added either contact me directly or respond with them in there and I can add them to the guide!
Tebex Support if needed: https://www.tebex.io/support

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