Questions on my Ban and bans in general


New member
So I already know my temp ban stays as what the appeal says but can a mod tell me which rule I violated naming my party [REDACTED BY STAFF] as far as i know that is pg-13 and it would not be aimed at other players as it is my party so at most I was calling my self that? The reason for naming my party that was it is my common clan/guild name in other servers. Also is there a page where I can see all words not currently allowed as to not get banned again? Can it be added to the ban screen what exact rule they are claiming was violated?
The term you used to name your party is an offensive term used to negatively attack people with disabilities and is not PG-13 friendly hence why you have been punished for it. If you are ever unsure if a phrase is okay or not, please go to a member of staff or make a ticket within our Discord server and we can confirm if this is the case or not. Please do not repeat that term again in any of our platforms (Pixelmon, Discord or Forums).

- LaughingButterC [MANAGER]
"If you are ever unsure if a phrase is okay or not, please go to a member of staff or make a ticket within our Discord server and we can confirm if this is the case or not." If I came from place were what I say is normal how are we expected to know to question that and ask a staff member. If you go to a new place and say something wrong I believe you should be counseled or talked to not just out right punished just a suggestion. Sorry if this is coming across as whiny but since I don't have anything else to do for 3 day thought I would throw whats in my mind on here.
"If you are ever unsure if a phrase is okay or not, please go to a member of staff or make a ticket within our Discord server and we can confirm if this is the case or not." If I came from place were what I say is normal how are we expected to know to question that and ask a staff member. If you go to a new place and say something wrong I believe you should be counseled or talked to not just out right punished just a suggestion. Sorry if this is coming across as whiny but since I don't have anything else to do for 3 day thought I would throw whats in my mind on here.
It depends on what players do in regards to breaking rules which will range in punishments from verbal warnings all the way to bans. For something as offensive as the phrase you used, the punishment given was more than fair due to the history behind it given it's a PG-13 server as other PG-13 places will not allow that word either. You only have a temp ban, so learn from your mistakes and make sure to not repeat anything like this again as otherwise will result in further punishment.

- LaughingButterC [MANAGER]