A Complete Guide to Linking and Discord Boosting
If you're reading this guide, then you either need help with Linking, Discord Boosting or just want more information about them both. In this guide I will go over everything that you will need to know about the process of Linking and Boosting, issues that you may come across when doing both of these and a Q&A of general questions player have about it.
What is a Ticket and a Discord Boost?
Linking is when you will connect your Minecraft account with your Discord account. You will want to do this if you wish to claim the free shiny that you get when linking for the first time, as well as being able to show off what rank you are in-game as this will automatically update whenever you purchase a rank in-game. All you'll need for this is a Discord account in order to be able to link your account so as long as you are old enough for Discord's TOS (13 years or older) then you will be able to link and gain the benefit for it.
Discord Boosting
A Discord Boost is a bit different to linking but if you wish to gain the benefit of the boosting kit (which is a Poke Key) then you will need to link your account first. Once you have done this then you'll be able to boost if you also have Discord Nitro that grants you free Boosts or outright buy boosts from Discord. If you go into your Discord settings you will find information about Nitro subscriptions as well as Server Boosts. Boosting a Discord server will help them grow and also give them benefits for all players to mess around with like access to more emoji's, stickers, streaming quality plus many more.
How do I Link my Account?
The process of linking is fairly straight forward and only requires a Discord Account which is within our Discord server, and a Minecraft Account you use to play on the server. Once you have both of these you'll be able to start linking your account. Make sure you are obtaining the link code on the realm that you wish to claim the linking kit on and/or the realm that you have ranks on since linking is realm specific and can't be changed after the fact.
When you are in-game you can run the command /link which will give you a 4 digit code which we'll need to use on Discord.

Once you have got your code you can head over to Discord and make your way over to #linking which is a channel found near the top of the Discord server.

Within this channel you will be able to post the 4 digit code you got in-game. If you do this successfully then you should get a message from the PixelmonRealms bot right after you confirming that you have linked. Both of these messages will be deleted shortly after.

After this you have now linked your in-game account to your Discord account. If you had a donor rank in-game this should show up shortly within your roles on the server. You will also be able to claim the linking kit in-game by either running the command /kit discord or doing /kits and clicking over the kit on the top right as shown within the picture below.

Please be aware that you are not given a normal Shiny Egg for this. You will be given a Discord Linking Shiny Pokemon Egg in which you can head to /warp eggs in order to open it. Please be aware that the shiny from this egg will be un-tradable so it'll be locked to your account until the reset will wipe it.

How do I Boost on the Server?
Once you have gone through the process of linking and have a boost available to use, you will now be able to easily boost as this process is incredibly easy.
You can do this by going into your Discord Settings, heading over to Server Boosts and clicking on Pixelmon Realms as the server you wish to boost on. Alternatively you can do this directly from the server by clicking on the Pixelmon Realms name at the top of the discord which will bring up a drop down menu with the first option being for a Server Boost.

Once you have boosted the server, you will now have access to the boosting kit similar with the Linking Kit. You can either run the command /kit nitro or by clicking on the kit via /kits on the top right of the menu.

Please be aware that you will not be given a Poke Key outright for this in which you can sell to other players. Once redeeming the kit you will then be automatically be put within the Poke Key crate animation where you'll be given one of the prizes you can pull from the Poke Crate.
Unable to Claim the Kits?
There will be a few reasons why you might not be able to claim one or both the kits on the server.
Reason #1
One of the likelihood reasons is that you have already claimed the kit either in the past, in another realm or accidentally without realising it. Since it's a one time redeem you won't be able to claim it again even within future resets. You might've redeemed it without realising it so make sure to check your PC to see if it's not accidentally went into there especially if your party was full.
Reason #2
If you were able link your account via discord by getting confirmation from the Discord bot but it's still blocked out for you in-game then the most likely thing is that you got the code from another realm. This means if you got the link code from Sapphire, but you are a Ruby player then you will only be able to claim the kit on Sapphire as this can't be moved around.
Reason #3
If it states that you are already linked in-game then that means your Minecraft Account has already been linked before in the past. This link does not go even if you leave the server so you could easily link 2+ years ago which is still here. This also means you've likely claimed the linking kit as a result meaning you won't be able to claim it again given it's a one time redeem.
Reason #4
Specifically with the Boosting kit, there is issues if you have linked your account within previous resets but then boost during the most recent reset causing you not being able to claim the boosting kit. If this is the case then you can make a ticket providing screenshots of what it states when redeeming in which a HA+ can fix this for you.
Reason #5
You might've accidentally gone through the steps wrong and you haven't actually linked fully on the server. Make sure that the code you have entered is correct as you can double check by running the /link command in-game which will let you know if you have linked. If you lost access to your code and it won't give you a fresh one you can get help via a ticket as we can go through your logs unless you look for this yourself.
If none of these apply to you, if you are unsure if they do apply or want confirmation then feel free to make a ticket within our Discord server as our Staff Team will do their best to help you figure out why you are unable to claim the kits on the server.