Server Reset


New member
This is my first server reset, so I didn’t know what to expect. I invested a few hundred dollars towards the end of last season. The fact that my tier rewards don’t carry over is a little ridiculous and shows the true intentions of greed behind the server. I should at least be able to pick the Pokemon that I paid for again. I might have missed where this was explained, but this definitely deters me from playing on the server ever again. Enjoy the donations, I’ll be sure to leave a few reviews so nobody else who wants to donate will experience the same disappointment and will hopefully take their money elsewhere.
The server reset is something that's happened every 8 to 12 months since the creation of the server, it's something that is unavoidable for us to do especially for player interest, server growth as well as fixing the server economy. We used to in the past have players being able to reclaim their Pokemon of choices with ranks, however the amount of players starting with high/rare priced legends caused more issues with the server than it did good so a decision was made to make them a one time redeem since 2021.

This isn't something we try to hide with players, and most other servers will be the same as us when it comes to server resets. You're free to have your opinions on our server and how we run it, but we make the best decisions we can for the sake of the players as well as server growth. Donations are needed for us to keep the server running as well as adding new things to the server for players to enjoy.

It's up to you at the end of the day if you wish to play on another server or not, but I am being as open as I can about why purchases don't transfer over. If players start with everything that's supposed to be rare or even if players have bought numerous of keys bought then players will start with everything causing them to lose interest and leave the server, also causing all rare legends to be common place on the server which ruins the economy which might result in a reset happening sooner than later.

I hope that you continue to play on our server, or very least have found a server that is run in a way that's suitable for you.

- LaughingButterC [MANAGER]
The server reset is something that's happened every 8 to 12 months since the creation of the server, it's something that is unavoidable for us to do especially for player interest, server growth as well as fixing the server economy. We used to in the past have players being able to reclaim their Pokemon of choices with ranks, however the amount of players starting with high/rare priced legends caused more issues with the server than it did good so a decision was made to make them a one time redeem since 2021.

This isn't something we try to hide with players, and most other servers will be the same as us when it comes to server resets. You're free to have your opinions on our server and how we run it, but we make the best decisions we can for the sake of the players as well as server growth. Donations are needed for us to keep the server running as well as adding new things to the server for players to enjoy.

It's up to you at the end of the day if you wish to play on another server or not, but I am being as open as I can about why purchases don't transfer over. If players start with everything that's supposed to be rare or even if players have bought numerous of keys bought then players will start with everything causing them to lose interest and leave the server, also causing all rare legends to be common place on the server which ruins the economy which might result in a reset happening sooner than later.

I hope that you continue to play on our server, or very least have found a server that is run in a way that's suitable for you.

- LaughingButterC [MANAGER]
Isn't this in a nutshell a scam? When you don't inform buyers that this is just a donation & the items are a one time offer?

Cause honestly I'm sure if half your consumers realized that they weren't going to get these purchased items back then majority probably wouldn't be wasting so much money on the kits & items offered in the game.

It's also not really a matter of opinion when you have people purchasing items only then to take those items back because you deem it unhealthy for the economy. A lot of successful pixelmon servers still give the items back to the players & offer more ways to earn money within their community without it destroying the economy. ( I worked as a personal builder for quite a few years for majority of these communities.) So I don't think at this point the decision or anything as you claim is a matter of opinion but greed & morality.

Perhaps I should also point out that if legendary pokemon so easily being given out breaks the economy then 1. They shouldn't be that easy to get through warzone, 2. Shouldn't be the center of the economy, 3. There is a way to make sure that purchased pokemon are not trade/sellable on any marketplace (while allowing the consumer to keep the item they purchased after each reset without damaging the economy).
You also easily could have made it so that the higher tiers where individuals spend more then 30 on a kit get their pick of certain items each restart. Not EVERYONE in your community has the high tier kits which would restrict which players are getting back those items. Many games that are like this do this very thing while making it clear to consumers what they are purchasing. If that small of pool was allowed to pick their choice of (one) legendary it would propel the trading/economy as they work to get the other 100. Just food for thought though.
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This isn't a scam, we ain't doing much different to other servers that offer purchases on them. It's purchasing digital goods which is never going to be forever, and there is a terms and conditions you have to agree to when purchasing gems on the server. The likes of ranks state that the likes of Legends are one time redeems compared to the commands or kits which does not state this.

We have learnt from the past what works, and what doesn't and work for the server to be able to grow. We give chances for people to earn legendaries without having to pay like with Warzone giving people a higher chance than usual to catch legends instead of having to wait for one to spawn or buy one in-game. Legends are the main thing people want on the server so no matter what we can't stop players wanting them so much without making them essentially worthless. Not to mention players should be free to sell their legends to other players if they so choose regardless if they purchased it from the store or not.

You're free to find another server that handles things differently than we do as ultimately no matter what we do this isn't going to make everyone happy as well as having the ability to grow the server and offer unique features like Warzone or Fusions. No point are we lying to players or are trying to scam them. We are as open as we can be when it comes to these sort of things as we have learnt what works and what does not from past experiences.

You're free to have your own opinion with how the server and how we run it, but by no means are we scamming players.

- LaughingButterC [MANAGER]